Personalised Learning
We believe there are three key tools for personalised learning and below is how we address these at Challney High School for Boys.
Assessment for and of learning
This feeds into all lesson planning and teaching strategies.
It is about setting clear targets, and identifying what students need to do to reach those targets. All pupils are placed on a ‘flightpath’ which clearly defines where they should be in their learning every half term from Year 7 to Year 11. This shows us if he is working at, above or below his potential (as defined by key stage 2 results). Frequent assessment informs this data and interventions are put in place if necessary.
A wide range of teaching strategies
These are used to promote individual and group learning, as well as teaching.
These strategies should build on the learner’s experience, knowledge and multiple intelligences, and develop their confidence and competence.
Curriculum choice
In the last inspection, Ofsted referred to the ‘curriculum’ as a particular strength at Challney High School for Boys.
The curriculum is more than just the subjects taught. However, the actual choice of subjects that are offered to the children and the way the school week is divided is an extremely important part of the ’curriculum’. We have found that a ‘Pathway’ system has led to us being able to design a curriculum which is more personalised for different groups of learners.
Boys are now in pathways from Year 7 to Year 11. All boys follow the same curriculum in Key Stage 3 (Years 7 and 8) but in Year 9, they have certain choices.