This page is designed to give you information about the composition and role of the Governing Body of Challney High School for Boys.
As Governors, we all undertake our extensive commitment to the school on a voluntary basis.
We do this because we are immensely proud of Challney’s many achievements over the years and we are dedicated to supporting the school to maintain its outstanding status and guiding it to ever improved outcomes in the future.
We are always keen to receive comments about the school, things that you are pleased with or things you think could be done better. If you have any comments you wish to make to Governors, then please contact us using the contact form on this website.
Anne Thompson | Chair of Governors
What is our role?
The Local Governing Body;- Implements and administers the Trust’s policies at a local level and reports termly to the Trustees
- Monitors and is accountable for the performance and standards of the school to Ofsted
- Governs exclusions in accordance with appropriate regulations
- Considers budget monitoring information and proposals
- Acts as a critical friend to the Headteacher
- Represents the views of the community.
Composition of the Local Governing Body:
Governor Name |
Member Details |
Contact Information |
Anne Thompson |
Chair of Governors |
Mark Mailer |
Head Teacher |
Zainul Haque |
Staff Governor |
Nazia Ahmed |
Safeguarding/ Community Governor |
Rahim Azim |
Community Governor |
Zahid Chohan |
Parent Governor |
Dr Helal Ahmed |
Co-opted Governor |
Ehsan Subhani |
Co-opted Governor |
Masood Akhtar |
Co-opted Governor |
Shahid Nawaz |
Co-opted Governor (Vice Chair) |
The link arrangements for each governor to school leaders is available here
Governor Attendance Register 2022/2023
Name |
LGB Position |
Meetings Attended |
Anne Thompson |
Chair of Governors |
6 |
Daniel Connor |
Headteacher |
5 |
Zainul Haque |
Staff Governor |
4 |
Naeem Akthar |
Community Governor |
4 |
Rahim Azim |
Community Governor |
5 |
Zahid Chohan |
Parent Governor |
4 |
Dr Helal Ahmed |
Co-Opted Governor |
5 |
Eshan Subhani |
Co-Opted Governor |
3 |
Masood Akhtar |
Co-Opted Governor |
4 |
Shahid Nawaz |
Co-Opted Governor |
4 |
Download/View the Governor Attendance Register 2022-2023
Download/View the Governor Attendance Register 2021-2022
Download/view the archive Governor Attendance Register 2016-2020
How we work:
The Local Governing Body meets half termly to monitor and evaluate the school’s performance in the following areas:- Achievement and Teaching – half termly
- Behaviour, Attendance and Safety – once a term
- Leadership and Management – once a term
- Finance – half termly
- Personnel – once a term
- Facilities Management – once a term
In addition, individual Governors take a special interest in specific areas of school activity such as safeguarding and child protection, SEND, finance and health and safety.
Chiltern Learning Trust - Scheme of Delegation
Chiltern Learning Trust (CLT) is a company limited by guarantee and a charitable trust. Responsibility for the schools that make up the Trust and for the funds granted by Parliament for providing education in those schools is entrusted to the CLT Board.
The CLT Board governs the company. The Board's trustees are either. All trustees have the same powers and responsibilities. Much of the work of the Board is delegated to the Local Governing Body of each school.
The Trust governance model delegates a high level of responsibility and decision making to its Local Governing Bodies; and recognises the significant contribution that excellent local governance can make towards high standards and community cohesion. In order to support this model, the Trust provides support with governor recruitment which ensures that Local Governing Bodies are well trained and supported. Standardised self-evaluation and data reports are shared between Headteachers, senior leaders, advisors and governors.
School improvement, school management, finance, ICT, HR and legal advice systems are well-developed and shared across the Trust, under the direction of the CEO and the CLT central team.
Please see the Trust's website to view the full Scheme of Delegation.
Please see our Challney Boys Scheme of Delegation
along with the Declaration of Interest Form.
Contacting us
Most queries about Challney High School for Boys and the progress or welfare of any individual child should be directed to the school itself.
If you do need to contact the Governing Body then letters directed to us should be sent to the school for our attention.