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Committed to excellent standards of teaching in partnership with a variety of local and national organisations contributing towards system-wide improvement.

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Specialist Statuses & Partnerships

In 2006, the school was awarded the prestigious Specialist College Status, with an emphasis on Science and Mathematics.

As a Specialist College we strive to create a challenging environment that raises standards both in achievement and the quality of learning and teaching for all our students.

It is also our aim to develop a scientifically rich curriculum within the school with threads that promote cross-curricular links. In addition, through STEM projects and other enrichment initiatives, we regularly engage with our stakeholders by sharing resources, building links and disseminating good practice to parents, other schools, local communities and business partners.

Please see our Prospectus / Information Booklet for further details.

Leading Edge

In June 2003, the School was designated a Leading Edge by the DfES.  This was in recognition for its work with partner schools in raising achievement and attainment. In 2006, this status was confirmed until 2011.  As a result of our excellent Leading Edge work we have also been designated an SSAT Consultant School since 2010.

The Chiltern Teaching School Alliance (CTSA)

Challney Boys was designated a National Teaching School in the first cohort, from September 2011. Our Teaching School Alliance (CTSA) is a cross-phase and cross-regional alliance with Challney High School for Boys, supported by its partner school, Denbigh High School.

Together, and with our strategic partners, we provide training and support and identify and coordinate expertise by using the best teachers and leaders to focus on:

  • Initial Teacher Training

  • Continuing professional and leadership development

  • Succession planning and talent management

  • School-to-school support

  • Specialist Leaders of Education (SLEs)

  • Research and development.

Our alliance is very well-positioned to be at the forefront of educational developments through links with Challenge Partners, a national network of schools as well as other national networks such as Leading Edge and Leadership Partner Schools.

The engagement with schools across the country enables our alliance to share existing knowledge, generate new learning and provide support within and beyond the alliance.


Challney High School for Boys became one of the first 100 National Teaching Schools in September 2011.

Working closely with Denbigh High School we have developed the Chiltern Teaching School Alliance, a group of cross-phase schools allied through national sponsors and strategic partners to improve the quality of provision for all pupils across the age-ranges. As a result of our close partnership with these local schools and extended networks across the country our staff benefit from excellent professional development, and our students have more and more opportunities to work closely with students from other schools and different age-groups.

This high level of partnership enables us to effect school-to-school improvement and ensures that we maintain our national reputation for excellence.

Challney High School for Boys also founded the Chiltern Training Group SCITT, an Outstanding (February 2014) ITT provider currently working with 20 partnership schools in Luton, Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire.

As a specialist STEM school, we work in partnership through outreach work with other schools.  We believe that as day-to-day life becomes more reliant on science and technology we need to equip our students with the skills to meet the demands of the working world.  Through our specialism, we have created a challenging environment that raises standards in both achievement and quality of teaching and learning in science and mathematics for all.

Following a visit by Professor John Holman (Director, National Science Learning Centre), we have received national recognition for our work as a science college and the effective STEM work that we do.

The mathematics department as part of the specialism has been awarded the prestigious Prince’s Teaching Institute Award for their work.