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GSO Test

Subject Results 2019

 Name  9 to 7 %  9 to 5 %  9 to 4 %
 English Language  10  47  64
 English Literature  26  65  74
 Mathematics  22  53  71
 Combined Science  13  37  59
 Science Biology  48  96  100
 Science Chemistry  56  100  100
 Science Physics  60  100  100
 Art  25  45  55
 Computer Science  29  89  100
 French  08  38  56
 Geography  13  33  37
 Graphics  29  59  65
 History  13  36  49
 RE  29  69  82
 Business Studies  25  75  92
 Urdu  33  87  100
 Name  A*-B  A*-C  A*D
 SPDM  62  100  100
 Name  L2D* to L2D  L2D*-L2M  L2D* to L2P
 ICT National   0  7  52
 OCR PE  16  48  92

*Attainment 8 score is a measure of a student’s average grade across a set suite of eight subjects

*Progress 8 score is a new secondary accountability measure aimed at measuring the progress of students across a selected set of 8 subjects.

A Progress 8 score that is above 0 indicates the students have made better progress than the national average.


Ebacc Measure - 50.6% of students entered 18/19

Destination Data - 91%of students staying in further education or entering employment


Further comparative information can be found publicly available at this link