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Our Houses



Students at Challney High School for Boys are all members of one of four school houses. Within each house, each student is a member of a form group that is comprised of boys of all ages. The house and the form give a strong sense of family and of belonging. Within their houses and forms, boys learn to feel proud of each other and of their achievements. They learn to work together and support each other across the different ages. They learn to compete in a positive and sportsmanlike way with other forms and other houses and they learn to take on valuable leadership roles within their forms, within their house and across the whole school. The four houses are:

Akeman House | Ermine House | Fosse House | Watling House

They derive their names from the main roads that were constructed by Roman engineers during the Roman occupation of Britain. Many of these roads converged in the local area en route to the major administrative, military and commercial centre of Verulamium (now known as St Albans) and thence on to Londinium (London). This history is reflected in our local geography, including Roman Road which stretches along from our own Stoneygate Road (Possibly a reference to an ancient Roman gate) and on to Icknield Way, the line of another major Roman transport artery.

Students and staff at Challney chose to name our houses after Roman Roads, not only because of their geographical significance but also because we believe they provide a powerful metaphor for our approach to learning.

The roads took an immense amount of hard work and determination to build over many years. They were the realisation of the ambitious vision and goals of their planners and engineers. They are famously straight and direct, overcoming all challenges such as hills, rivers and valleys that they meet rather than trying to avoid them. These are all qualities which we believe all members of our community should aspire to in their approach to education and their approach to life. Most powerfully of all, the roads represent a journey and a continuation of what has gone before us, just as we see learning as the most important of our lifelong journeys, building on the achievements of others.



AKEMAN HOUSE | Determination

 Head of House: Mr J Chowdhury


Our house value is Determination. This is an important characteristic to embody because we as a house are determined to do our best in everything we do at Challney High School for Boys.





Head of House: Mr Y Rahman 


Our house value is Unity. This is an important characteristic to embody because it encourages staff and students to work together and to always support one another.

In Ermine House we believe that we can achieve much greater things when we are united in our goals.



FOSSE HOUSE | Innovation

Head of House: Mr H Habib


Our House value is Innovation. Within Fosse House, we challenge all of our students to be innovative through higher order thinking during all lessons.

Fosse House continues to drive its high standards throughout the school, demonstrated through the high number of Pivotal Postcards that students within Fosse House are awarded on a weekly basis.




WATLING HOUSE | Excellence

Head of House: Mr J Walker


Our house value is Excellence. This is an important characteristic to embody because it encourages staff and students to strive to be the best that they can be. In Watling House, we believe that through hard work and effort excellence can be achieved by all.
We are proud of our House successes which include winning the House Cup last year and scoring the most points on Sports Day. This proved our mantra of participation = success!