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Committed to excellent standards of teaching in partnership with a variety of local and national organisations contributing towards system-wide improvement.

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Parental Partnership

At Challney High School for Boys, we recognise that students will succeed when the school and parents work together in partnership to support their learning and well-being. We also nurture strong partnerships with our local community. To develop a positive, productive and professional relationship with parents and carers, the school employs the following strategies:

  • Regular parent open evenings
  • Targeted intervention evenings
  • Parental engagement activities
  • Use of a home/school contact organiser
  • A suite of e-learning tools that parents can access
  • Parental curriculum information sessions
  • Positive parenting projects
  • Engagement with mentoring programmes
  • Positive postcards and phone calls home to recognise achievement
  • Regular communication through Twitter, the school website and SMS messaging as well as more traditional “letters home”

We encourage parents to contact us by phone, by email or by appointment if they wish to discuss any concerns or issues.

For further information on our Parental Partnership, please contact Mr R Church – Assistant Headteacher, via rchurch@challneyboys.co.uk