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Committed to excellent standards of teaching in partnership with a variety of local and national organisations contributing towards system-wide improvement.

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The Chiltern Teaching School Alliance

Challney Boys was designated a National Teaching School in the first cohort, from September 2011.

Our Teaching School alliance (CTSA) is a cross-phase and cross-regional alliance with Challney High School for Boys, supported by its partner school, Denbigh High School.

Together, and with our strategic partners, we provide training and support and identify and co-ordinate expertise by using the best teachers and leaders to focus on:

  • Initial Teacher Training
  • Continuing professional and leadership development
  • Succession planning and talent management
  • School-to-school support
  • Specialist Leaders of Education (SLEs)
  • Research and development.

Our alliance is very well-positioned to be at the forefront of educational developments through links with Challenge Partners, a national network of schools as well as other national networks such as Leading Edge and Leadership Partner Schools.

The engagement with schools across the country enables our alliance to share existing knowledge, generate new learning and provide support within and beyond the alliance.