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Transition 2020

Virtual Open Evening 2020 for 2021 intake

Please view our virtual Open Evening 2020 presentation on our YouTube Channel here.

Virtual Transition 2020 

Welcome to Challney High School for Boys 
This is an exciting time for your son to join Challney High School for Boys. We want the transition from primary school to secondary school to be as smooth as possible for your son.

We hope the information contained in this area of the website will assist parents, carers and students who will be joining us this year. 

We are looking forward to working with your son and helping him reach his full potential
If you have any concerns or queries, please do not hesitate to contact Miss Owen (Transition Lead) at transition2020@challneyboys.co.uk

Headteacher’s Welcome

You will be able to find a copy of the Head Teacher’s welcome letter to the Year 6 parents here, along with a Welcome address to the Year 6’s.

Student Information Request 

All parents and carers are required to complete the Transition Information Booklet prior to their son starting Challney High School for Boys which you can find here.


Transition Welcome Booklet

All parents and carers please take a look through our Transition Welcome Booklet which you can find here.

Staff Welcome 

Here you can access the Welcome videos from Miss OwenTransition Lead and Mr Church,  Assistant Head Teacher

Transition Passport 

Year 6 students and their parents will have received a copy of an interactive Transition Passport from Challney High School for Boys. You can also find a copy of the interactive Transition Passport here.



If your son needs some support to complete the Transition Passport, you can access the How to Complete your Transition Passport video here.



Virtual Welcome Event May 2020

Please watch our Virtual Welcome Event to find out more information about Challney High School for Boys and the transition process.