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Committed to excellent standards of teaching in partnership with a variety of local and national organisations contributing towards system-wide improvement.

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Transition Hub

Please follow this link to view the latest information on our Year 6 to Year 7 Transition Hub.

In October we hold an Open Evening when prospective parents have the opportunity to look round school and meet staff, students and friends of the school.

We encourage parents to use this opportunity to talk to us about the school and what we have to offer before they make a final choice.

We also welcome parents to come and meet with us and have a look round at any other time by prior appointment.

During the summer term, parents are again invited to attend the school and have an opportunity to see the work, and meet students and members of staff. We give students the opportunity to spend a day in the school towards the end of the summer term of Year 6 so they can experience some lessons, meet staff, find their way around and begin to form new friendships.

When new students arrive in September they have special induction sessions with their form tutor to introduce them to the school. Older students are assigned to them to show them around our school and keep an eye on them during the first few weeks. They are linked with these ‘buddies’ during their first year at the school.