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Useful Websites for Parents

Safeguarding websites for parents:


Academic websites for parents:

The following are websites that are currently used in the school which you might find useful.


Thousands of cross-curricular podcasts designed to enhance learning and support revision

Show My Homework

A centralised online resource for all homework set in Denbigh.

Pears on active learn

Online assignments and resources for Maths and MFL

BBC Newsround

This is a useful resource for the latest news.

My Maths

My Maths.co.uk contains revision pages, games, puzzles, offline activities readymade Maths lessons for using on an interactive whiteboard.

Maths Watch

MathsWatch is an online virtual learning platform containing Mathematics video clips and worksheets.  It is available at key stages 3 and 4.

Mr Barton Maths

A helpful website including access to past papers

Cool Math 4 Kids

Maths games, fun maths lessons, puzzles and brain benders, flash cards for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and geometry.

Maths is Fun

Maths explained in easy language, plus puzzles, games, quizzes, worksheets and a forum for kids, teachers and parents.

BBC Education

BBC Schools – learning resources for home and school including BBC Bitesize


Online software to create engaging and informative presentations

AQA Subjects

Information relating to AQA subjects ie specifications etc


Information relating to Edexcel subjects ie specifications etc


Science textbooks and other resources